Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 10: Fatherhood

This week we have a paper due about fatherhood and the affect fathers have for their children.  What I learned were very interesting things that I had no idea fathers had an impact on.  For example, a father's involvement has an affect on how children treat others.  If a child had a nurturing father that was around often, they are less aggressive and more kind with other children.  A father also has a direct impact on a child's well-being and can influence their child's academic achievement.  There is a lot more that fathers influence and impact in their child's life, especially when they are the nurturing kind of father.  
So since Thanksgiving is this week, I'd like to dedicate this blog to my wonderful father and how grateful I am that he is the nurturing kind.  My dad is sweet, silly, talented and one of the most loving people I have ever known.  He is so accepting that many of my siblings' friends became part of the family and took an an adopted role because they loved him and our family so much.  
My dad always cared and is there for me when I need him.  I can hold conversations with him that could go on forever.  He's always teaching me and sharing his knowledge with me.  He's the type of father who never withheld his affection for his children.  I am so grateful for the wonderful influence he has had in my life and I only continue to realize how great he is and was and the sacrifices he went through for our family.
I love you dad!  Thank you for being the best dad ever!

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