Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 2: The Symbolic Interaction Theory

This Monday in class, we discussed our reading of the many types of theories that are related to the family.  There are systems theories, exchange theories, symbolic interactions, and conflict.  The one that interested me the most was the symbolic interaction.  Symbolic interaction is about the behaviors in relationships that have meanings.  These behaviors may cause confusion because the meaning may not be shared between both people.  Because of this confusion, symbolic interaction can lead to frustration, disappointment, and dissolution.  It can lead to conflict and even ruin the relationship.  Our teacher shared an example of a married couple he counseled.  They had a symbolic interaction problem and because of it, they were wanting a divorce.  He would speak to each  person alone first about their behavior and their meaning behind it and how they feel about their spouse's behavior.  Afterward, he had them back together in the room and had them explain the meaning behind their behaviors to each other.  After some time of them being aware of how they come off to the other spouse and realize how better to express themselves and understand the other's meaning  in behavior, they got along much better.  They fell completely in love with each other again and didn't go through with the divorce.  
I have been married to my sweetheart for almost 2 years and this made me aware of how important communication is in order to understand my husband's true meanings behind certain behaviors.  Also, for him to know what's going on inside my head.  I hope that all those who read this post will keep this in mind for all their current and future relationships.  Try to understand their true feelings and meaning behind the behavior and actions.  Look at yourself and make sure that your true meanings are being properly accepted by others and you don't confuse them.  This will surely help relationships in a big way.

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